Crafting Engaging Content for Twitter: A Quick Guide

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Crafting Engaging Content for Twitter: A Quick Guide

Crafting Engaging Content for Twitter: A Quick Guide

More than 6000 tweets are shared on Twitter per second. Out of them, only a small percentage of those tweets become popular, receive a large number of likes and retweets, and help their authors generate traffic and revenue.
Here at Plan A, we've made the decision to look more closely at the factors that contribute to high-performing tweets and provide you with samples of some incredible viral tweets.

What Type of Tweets Are Most Popular?

viral marketing concept
It can be challenging for you to grow your internet business through effective social media marketing. In particular, while developing original content for your Twitter marketing initiatives.
Our digital marketing agency in Dubai has your back. Here are different types of tweets that will boost user interaction and increase revenue for your company.

Ready? Let's get going.


Tweeting links of images, websites, PDFs, and other content that can be transmitted in 140 characters or less is an effective strategy to gain reshares. 
You gain respect and may even receive the ultimate Twitter love, the retweet, by posting content that your followers find helpful. This encourages people to follow you.


Such types of tweets are frequently pointless remarks such as "Stuck at Work" or "Happy National Day!" However, discussions also include any tweets in which you are answering another user's tweet or are communicating with them publicly. 
These tweets have a lot of potential for helping you build trust and a personal connection with your followers.
This is blatant sales or marketing copy in a tweet, according to the best social media services in Dubai.

For example, 
“When you register for our conference, you'll either receive a free iPod for the following 12 hours or you can get a web traffic analysis by contacting us.” 
You shouldn't stop using these kinds of tweets, but they are rarely successful. Users of Twitter are looking for relevant information.

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Product Teaser Tweet

Did you know that 4 out of 10 Twitter users buy a product after seeing it on the social media platform?
Because of this, using product teaser tweets can really help you build a long-lasting business. They simultaneously create excitement for the goods and solidify brand recognition.
How can you improve the effectiveness of product teaser tweets? With each post, you can unveil a fresh teaser that reveals more details.
You can inform your fans on Twitter the next time you're preparing to release a new product. 
You may also show a Twitter for business hashtag feed in the sidebar of your website if you want to expose it to more relevant traffic. In this manner, when people visit your website, they will learn more about it.


The Crowdsourcing tweet, which is closely similar to the Conversation twitter, is when you directly ask your followers for a solution to a dilemma. 
You might solicit assistance from your followers for a company issue. Which mobile browsing platform, Apple or Android, do you prefer? Crowdsourcing has gained a lot of popularity recently and can be helpful if you have a sizable following or if you pair it with a hashtag.

Viral Giveaway Tweets

A viral giveaway tweet is another form of tweet that might increase sales for your company. After all, one-third of contestants are amenable to learning more about your company.
The more willing they are to interact with you, the more probable it is that they will come to trust you and work with you in the future.
What can you do to improve the conversion rate of your giveaway tweet? Make joining as simple as you can.
Consider the tweet about the giveaway from Domino's Pizza. The user only needs to retweet in order to be eligible to win the prize. Short, straightforward, and incredibly effective, this giveaway tweet has received over 2,500 retweets in total.

How To Create Viral Tweets?

A tweet that goes viral is one that is quickly shared, retweeted, or cited by many people. A viral tweet is one that gets people talking, even if there are no established guidelines for it.
You can make a tweet go viral by following these tips:

Ask a challenging question

Hello, icebreakers! Never undervalue the impact of a straightforward query. People enjoy interacting with one another and exchanging random anecdotes, memories, or personal information.
The best aspect of this strategy is that you don't always have to ask questions that are grounded in fact.

Avoid anything that Twitter disapproves of

It's not about appeasing Twitter's algorithm but rather about avoiding actions that are apparent candidates for rejection. 
Utilizing links is one of those things since it takes users away from Twitter. That's unfortunate because driving traffic to your website is a fantastic opportunity to increase sales, but Twitter as a marketing platform prefers it when users remain on the interface.

Utilize hashtags (but in a smart way)

viral hashtags

Although hashtags are useful, they also shout out for attention. We advise you to utilize them to capitalize on presently popular subjects and occasions but refrain from overusing hashtags in your tweets. The majority of hash-tagged tweets are of poor quality.

Just ask for a retweet

It's OK to request a retweet at the end of an excellent piece of material you created. Everyone understands how difficult it may be, especially in the beginning, and nobody will look down on you if you want other people to share your material.

Be affable

popular tweet

Engaging your followers by appealing to their emotions is another technique to boost engagement. Writing tweets inspired by personal experiences or typical industry incidents will resonate with your followers, even if you don't want to overshare.
Freelance writer Ashley Cummings connects to her audience in the tweet above by discussing a problem that many of her followers (and others) can undoubtedly identify with.

Demonstrate your sense of humor

Even if you're not inherently funny, attempt to incorporate comedy into your tweets. A few retweets versus tens of thousands of retweets can be achieved by being amusing. Retweets from followers who find your humor funny can help you get traction.

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What Is the Best Time to Tweet? 

As per the research done by our marketing company in Dubai, the optimal time to tweet completely depends on who will be reading it. The most common times to post on Twitter are still between 8 AM and 10 AM and 6 PM and 9 PM. 
You should post either early in the day (7 AM - 9 AM) or late at night if you want to increase engagement (8 PM - 11 PM).
During the workweek, they are more active in the mornings while traveling and in the middle of the day, usually during lunch. 
As a result, there is a higher engagement rate from 8 AM to 4 PM, Monday through Friday. Anything posted before 4 AM or after 10 PM is probably going to receive little to no engagement.

Use Twitter for Business or for Fun the Right Way!

In a nutshell, followers value tweets that are practical, educational, or humorous. Nobody likes to see irrelevant links or dull information.
Tweet about issues that are important to you and that are pertinent to the experiences of many users. 
Even when you're attempting to promote your interests, your tweets should be high-quality information, whether it's news, a warning about something, a how-to guide, a download link, or anything else.

Are you looking to expand your business in Abu Dhabi? Get in touch with our social media marketing experts by calling us at 800 75262 for a detailed discussion.

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