What are the features of a user-friendly app?

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What are the features of a user-friendly app?

What are the features of a user-friendly app?

A good-looking and fast mobile app is not worth money until it has basic features which can make the app user-friendly. 
There are thousands of applications designed for mobile phones today, but not all of them are designed for all users and classified as easy-friendly apps.  

If you're running a mobile app development company or want to create a trendy mobile app design, this blog entails some basic features of a user-friendly app to help you. But first, let’s discuss the common types of mobile apps.

Types of Mobile Apps  

Mobile Apps Types

Category-wise, there are three most common types of mobile applications such as;

    1- Native apps: This app is developed for only a single operating system on one platform.
    2- Web apps:     In this type of app, developers design new versions of websites for mobile users. They can run particular sites through mobile browsers.
    3- Hybrid apps: This type of app is a mixture of both (native and web apps). Hybrid apps are most common today due to their easy download availability and their own icons as well.

Let’s discuss the features now.

Features of a User-Friendly App

The basic features that make the application user friendly are:

  1. Simplicity 

    Simplicity is always the key to attractiveness, but when we develop a new app, we must ensure that it is easy to use. 
    In general, mobile screens aren't made to welcome complicated layouts. Difficult navigation can frustrate a user, so before designing any app, keep simplicity in mind.

  2. Icons and Images 

    Images and icons are not only made as page showpieces but they are placed for a purpose. While developing an app, keep these elements simple and sleek. As an app developer, try to create icons and images with appropriate space and proper navigation; overall, app design matters with both.

  3. Responsiveness 

    Responsive design is such an important aspect of a user-friendly app. Content should be well-adjusted on display, and colors should be bright.
    Whatever you put should be safe for the user and won’t bug his device’s interface. 
    Similarly, the fonts you pick for an app should also be readable; otherwise, the user will not stay long on your app.

  4. Perceptiveness

    Perceptiveness is one of the basic features of an app, in which navigation should be simple, and elements should link to each other rightly. The perfect example of perceptiveness is the drop-down menu which should be attached with important pages.  

    Let your user find the right spaces with exact navigation and make it easy to return to the home screen by linking your application's logo to the home screen. However, the complex structure will make users face difficulties when using the app, so simplify the structure as much as possible.

  5. Search bar 

    The search bar is essential in a user-friendly app, along with all the above features. While not everyone is familiar with apps, some may be experienced users.
    A search bar at the top should be provided for all users, allowing them to find whatever they want.
  6. Support Contact 

    If you allow a user to contact you with a support contact section then it increases the chance of customer retention.  Before giving your contact details, add some FAQs, blogs, helping pages, or chat boxes that might help a user to get out of any confusion.

  7. Security

    A user-friendly app with solid security features will be more trusted by those who use it. In today’s world, where security breaches are all over the news, this feature is critical for any application that deals with sensitive information such as banking or business data.
  8. Loading Time

    Users want the app to open quickly and smoothly. 
    It keeps them connected to the app for an extended time, improves overall app performance by enhancing user experience, and increases traffic by lowering bounce rate.
    Therefore, focusing on reducing the app's loading time is essential.

Ten Tips on Designing the Perfect Mobile App

Designing a mobile app can be a challenging task. There are many factors to keep in mind, from the end-user experience to the company's branding.

There are several best practices you should follow while designing your mobile app to ensure success: 

  1. Don't forget to consider the user experience of your customers.
  2. Make sure that your design is responsive and compatible with all devices.   
  3. Keep it simple and easy to navigate.
  4. Consider the company's branding while designing the logo, color scheme, and style of fonts.
  5. Think about the best way to identify the content on each screen.
  6. Test your app in different areas and with various devices to pinpoint the issues.
  7. Keep a continuous flow of communication with your customer base, keeping them updated on any changes or news regarding their apps.
  8. Make sure that every screen is interactive and easy to use.
  9. Make sure that the app is minimalistic, clean, and clutter-free.
  10. Monitor your app's reviews. 

How to Choose a Mobile App Development Company?

Mobile App Development Company
There are a few things that you should keep in mind when looking for a mobile app development company. 

  • First, you need to ensure that the company has experience developing apps for your industry. 
  • Second, you want to ensure they have expertise in developing the specific platform you want to go with. 
  • Third, ask them about their previous projects and check out customer testimonials and reviews.  

Bringing It all together, one of the most important elements to consider when choosing a company is its customers' satisfaction. You want to ensure that you partner with a company that cares about its clients, provides excellent service, and evaluates their needs.

Final Words  

Mobile app developers are now integral to the modern company's infrastructure. They create and maintain all kinds of mobile apps for various industries. Case in point, Dubai is home to many mobile app developers who specialize in designing and developing all types of apps, such as educational and business apps for iOS and Android users.

So, if you're looking for experienced app developers in Dubai, schedule a consultation with us today.

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